Akademik dr. Šefket KRCIĆ – Society of philosophers of ethics and aesthetics of Bosnia and Herzegovina and Sandzak, Tuzla/BiH – Sandzak/RS
Akademik dr. Smail ČEKIĆ – Institute for the Research of Crimes against Humanity and International Law, Sarajevo/BiH
Veoma sam bio prijatno iznenađen, kada sam u Biblioteci Univerzitet u Novom Pazaru, na odjeljenju Filologije, vidio knjigu prof. Š. Krcića OPEN LETTER TO THE PHILOSOPHER AND BIG WORLD ANALYST NOAM CHOMSKY USA, koja je upućena i na adresu magazina New York Times. Na taj način, svoj stav želim izraziti u dva svoja aspekta, kako bi nekim manje upućenim kolegama dao do znanja da podrže ovu Krcićevu inicijativu.
1. Prijatno sam iznenađen činom ovog Otvorenog pisma i povodom objavljivanja epohalnog djela mog uvaženog profesora, akademika dr. Smaila Čekića, naslovljeno “Dejtanska legalizacija genocida”, koje je u tri toma objavljeno na prostoru 2700 stranica. Malo je reći, čestitam. To je prilika da ovo djelo koji je autor pisao pune dvije decenije, čitam i analiziram makar jedan semestar. To zaslužuje ovaj autor. Isto tako najljepše čestitam kolegi, prof. dr. Šefketu Krciću, što je našao dobar povod da pitanje Bosne i Hercegovine i njene dalje sudbine kao države, postavi kao intelektualno pitanje, pred najvećim filozofom svijeta Noumom Čomskim (1928), nadajući se da on ima snage i uma, da ovo pitanje pretrese i animira svjetsku javnost na tolerantan i dostojanstven način, kako Bosna zaslužuje.
2. Poznata je činjenica, da amerikanci i američka kultura traže sažete knjige, jer su informatičke tehnologije uzele maha. U tom smislu, podsjetio bih na mnoge zahtjeve američke kulturne javnosti izdavača, koje na hipertrofitan način, traže da se velika djela sažimaju, tj. rezimiraju na deset puta manjem prostoru, nego što su originalno napisana. Sjećam se prije više decenija, dva slučaja: a) kada su američki istraživači tražili od ruskih izdavača da Tolstojev „Rat i mir“, od tri toma (skoro 3000 stranica), sažmu na svega 300 stranica. Zatim, b) zahtjev je upućen za života Nobelovcu Solženjicinu (1918-2008), da nakon dobijanja Nobelove nagrade (1974), za djelo „Arhipelag Gulag“ isto tako, trotomnog sadržaja, na oko 3000 stranica. Tada je čuveni ruski discident Solženjicin, odbio takav zahtjev, smatrajući da će to unakaziti djelo koje je pisao više od dvije decenije. Međutim, nakon što je preminuo Solženjicin, 2008.godine, njegova životna saputnica udova Solženjicin, sa uspjehom rezimirala „Arhipelag Gulag“ na 300 stranica i time udovoljili zahtjeve američkih izdavača i čitatelja.
Najzad, prijatno sam iznenađen, kako je prof. Š. Krcić, napisao konstruktivno pismo Čomskom i rezimirao obimno Čekićevo djelo od 2700 stranica, na svega 200 stranica, ukuzujući pri tome, da se glavna argumentacija Čekićevih stavova nalazi u njegovom auteničnom djelu i u Arhivi Instituta za istraživanje genocida u Sarajevu. Drago mi je da je moj uvaženi profesor akademik dr. S. Čekić, bio otvoren prema prof. Š. Krciću, koji je filozofski i metodološki sažeo njegovo životno djelo na američki način na svega 200 stranica, radi lahkšeg snalaženja i upoznavanja šire javnosti o sudbini Bosne, kao i djelovanju kontroverznog Dejtonskog sporazuma iz 1995. godine.
Hoću da vjerujem, da pored Čomskog u Americi, naći racionalni razlog za otvaranje dijaloga o sudbini Bosne i Hercegovine, gdje bi se mogli uključiti u širu diskusiju istaknuti svjetski filozofi, poput Ferida Muhića, Irgena Habermasa, Bernara Anri Levia i drugi.
Mart, 2017.
Prof. dr. Mehmed META
Redovni profesor Univerziteta u Novom Pazaru
A letter of support
Academician Dr. Šefket KRCIĆ – Society of philosophers of ethics and aesthetics of Bosnia and
Herzegovina and Sandžak, Tuzla / BiH – Sandžak / RS
Academician Dr. Smail ČEKIĆ – Institute for the Research of Crimes against Humanity and
International Law, Sarajevo / BiH
I was pleasantly surprised when in the library of the University of Novi Pazar, in the Department of Philology, I saw the book of prof. Š. Krčić OPEN LETTER TO THE PHILOSOPHER AND BIG WORLD ANALYST NOAM CHOMSKY USA, which is also sent on the address of the New York Times magazine. In this way, I would like to express my attitude through two aspects, in order to animate our some less informed colleagues to support prof. Krcić’s initiative.
- I was pleasantly surprised by this act of Open Letter and on the occasion of the publication of epochal work of my distinguished professor, academician Dr. Smail Čekić, entitled “Dayton legalization of genocide”, which is in three volumes published over 2,700 pages. It is not enough to say, congratulations. This is an opportunity for this work which the author wrote for two decades, to read and analyze it at least one semester. The author deserves this. Also my warmest congratulations to my colleague, prof. dr. Šefket Krcić, who has found a good incentive to elevate the question of Bosnia and Herzegovina and its future destiny as a country, as an intellectual question, and to address it to the greatest philosopher of the world Noam Chomsky (1928), hoping that he has the strength and intellect to go through this question and animate the world in a tolerant and dignified manner which Bosnia deserves.
- It is a known fact that the Americans and the American culture seek summarized books, because information technology has taken hold. In this respect, I would remind on the many demands of the American publishers, which in hypertrophic manner, ask for the great works of art to be summed up, i.e., summarized on ten times less space than they were originally written. I recollect decades ago, of two cases: a) when US researchers sought from the Russian publishers to summarize Tolstoy’s War and Peace of three volumes (nearly 3,000 pages) at only 300 pages. Then, b) the request sent during his lifetime to the Nobel Prize winner A. Solzhenitsyn (1918-2008), after receiving the Nobel Prize (1974) for his work The Gulag Archipelago of also three volume content of 3000 pages. Then the famous Russian dissident Solzhenitsyn rejected such request, considering that this will disfigure the work that he had been writting for more than two decades. However, after Solzhenitsyn died in 2008, his life companion widow Solzhenitsyn, successfully summarized The Gulag Archipelago on 300 pages and thus meet the requirements of the American publishers and readers.
Finally, I am pleasantly surprised how prof. Š. Krcić, wrote a constructive letter to Chomsky and summarized the extensive Čekić’s work of 2700 pages, on only 200 pages, indicating thereby to the main argument of Čekić’s attitudes is in his authentic work and in the archives of the Institute for Research of Genocide in Sarajevo. I am glad that my esteemed professor, academician Dr. Smail Čekić, was open towards professor Š. Krcić, who philosophically and methodologically summed up his life’s work in an American manner on only 200 pages for easier orientation and making aware the public of the fate of Bosnia, as well as the activities of the controversial Dayton Agreement from 1995.
I want to believe that in addition to Chomsky in America, will be found a rational reason to open a dialogue about the fate of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where could get involved in broader discussions the esteemed world philosophers, such as Ferid Muhić, Irgen Habermas, Bernard Henri Levy and others.
March, 2017.
Prof. Dr. Mehmed Meta
Professor at the University of Novi Pazar, Serbia